Thursday, November 18, 2010
A most creative review on Kafka's House
LK Riegel, author of Space Junque posted a most creative review on Kafka's House on Kindle Boards's Book Bazaar here under a special Daypalooza. LK's review on Kafka's House says:
"I have a love/hate relationship with this book, and I'll tell you straight: I haven't finished it yet either! The punctuation is atrocious. The spelling is at times creative. The stream-of-consciousness style loses me sometimes.
And yet...
I love this book! The punctuation serves its purpose. The creative spelling is actually appropriate and rare. The stream-of-consciousness style takes me to a world wholly unlike my own.
If you'd like something different, this is your book."
Thanks LK!
Historical Background on Free Speech Clause
First Amendment: From time to time, it's good to go back in time to revisit the today, here is a good overview of key facts ...
I had the pleasure of reading Key West Story , the latest novel by Rick Skwiot, and had the joy of m eeting troubled soul Con Marten...
If you have the patience to listen to (and therefore forgive) the old-fashioned, pretentious tone of this video, you will discover something...
In haibun (a literary form originating in Japan), prose and verse (mostly haiku) coexist; the transition between them brings on a “shift” t...